Friday, August 16, 2019


I can't even remember what the hell day I am on as far as this wretched diet goes.. Oh Yes, BTW as my birthright as a woman, I am embracing my "inner-masochist" and forcing myself
through the brutal process known as "DIEting".
**emphasis on the DIE part**

But I am seriously craving Chocolate something fierce! I would trade my first born for a chocolate bar right about now... *if I had a first born*

Thank goodness I don't have any offspring... they would have been sacrificed to some God's by now for my lack of willpower and non-existent metabolism. 
At this rate, I would need about 6 kids. Maybe 10.

This post just took a weird turn 😳

I think I have officially "cleansed my will to live" 😒⚰

"Kelly" is officially my Spirit Animal.... 

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