Monday, August 26, 2019

Motivational Monday

Yesterday a co-worker was awarded this Lab Coat for his outstanding work within his department.
Apparently this system has long been in place and is used to recognize a particular individuals or groups contributions to their project and/or the company.

Each person who gets awarded this jacket gets to keep it for a week, and also draw, paint, sew, somehow attach something that is representative of them. The last person that got this coat previously was on a team whos acronym is "ARG", so keeping in that spirit they decided to brand the jacket with a Parrot on the right shoulder and a Hook where the left hand would be. Pretty creative!

Well... if you don't already know, I am Goal/Challenge motivated and extremely competitive. Naturally I must have this award! 
I WILL get that jacket! Now to figure out what to put on it when I get it... *because I will get it*

In unrelated news... LOOK what I found on the side of the freeway while commuting to work!

YES! This is spectacular folks!... I almost crashed my car when I saw this out of the corner of my eye at 80mph.
This would be the Mother of all Lawn Ornaments. If only I could convince my roommate to let me display it in his front yard.

I don't know how much this shark is offered at but I will definitely call the place to see out of curiosity... I should see if they deliver. 
I certainly couldn't strap it to the hood of my little 2 door car, but MAYBE I could tow it home?! 
Wouldn't that be a breathtaking sight? Seeing a huge menacing (assuming life sized replica of a Great White) being towed behind a Honda Civic?

For fun I would drive with my windows rolled down yelling "SHARK! Everyone off the streets!" while blasting the theme song to "Jaws".
I'm sure that little stunt would get me a gig on YouTube.

*Sigh* I will have to shelve that dream of mine as it is neither possible nor practical. *Bummer*

But as for the Lab Coat I say:

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