Friday, August 30, 2019

Of Dog's and Men

It's fairly common to hear women (and sometimes other men, when they want to get on a woman's good side) claim that "men are dogs." Usually, they are referring to a tendency to prefer dirty or disgusting things, or perhaps follow their basic instincts when it comes to mating. Very rarely do they use the term to refer to a dog's unwavering sense of loyalty or innate intelligence. Such a sad fact...

I am going to jump on the bandwagon here, but not for any of those reasons. In fact, I might even add that women are "dogs" as well, in a sense. And no, I am not alluding to the bitch terminology. Although, good catch, you clever boy ;)

Anyone who has ever owned a dog, or worked in an environment involving canines, knows that they are pack animals. It is absolutely critical for a dog to have an Alpha present--a leader, a master, to follow. This isn't up for debate, it is in their nature. If there is no leader around, if no Alpha demonstrates their superiority, then the only recourse is for the dog to assume leadership of the pack himself. Regardless of how weak or strong he is, this means that he gets to make the rules.

If, however, there is a capable leader nearby who takes charge, then the dog and other members of his pack learn to submit to that leader's will. The dog may occasionally challenge the leader, but in truth, he knows that he is a follower, not the Alpha.

As barbaric as this might seem, it mirrors the human social system rather well. Except for a few anomalies, we generally strive to assume leadership of our chosen "pack", or else submit to the will of a more capable leader without question. This can be seen both in the workplace and in social circles. Many domestic situations are similar as well, although that may be debated these days.

What all this amounts to is a breakdown in society to two classes of people. Two classes of men. Leaders and followers. Alphas and, well, all the rest.

As a woman with more masculine tendencies than most, I gravitate to, and really can only hold respect for, the Alpha males. Men who are confident, who do not need approval, who can hold their own. Men who don't shrink back in fear and run when faced with a challenge or potential rejection. Men who do not hesitate to stand out front. It's an attitude that says both subtly and clearly, I'm here and I'm going to damn well do what I want, so screw anyone who says sh*t to me about it. 

Once I identify this kind of personality in a guy, I'm not only more comfortable around him, I am also considerably more attracted to him. I consider myself lucky if there is a mutual interest...I'm pretty much screwed if things get anywhere remotely resembling serious. 

All the rest...all of these other men...they make wonderful friends, great buddies, interesting conversationalists at a bookstore...but they don't have what it takes. Once I sense that weakness...that insecurity...they have lost their appeal. I don't want to baby a "lost little boy". I'm not here to teach you how to grow your own balls, that's your job. I want to be at the front of the pack with the one who already knows what the hell he wants.

I don't have time to slow down or stop to coddle your feelings. You can run at the back of the pack until you figure them out.

It's okay if you watch my ass while you're there, though.

This blog post was brought to you today in part by a deep philosophical conversation that I got caught up in. More like a "debate" but as you can tell, I could care less about what anyone else thinks... This is my personal opinion based on historical and anthropological FACTS.

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