Sunday, September 1, 2019

When Death Comes a Knockin...

Where to begin with this one... Sooo this little "gem" was delivered to my neighbors by mistake and promptly landed on my doorstep this fine Sunday morning.

Is someone trying to tell me something here??... Has my time here on earth finally coming
to an end?

Should I say my "Good Bye's" now before I am consecrated to dust? This is just too creepy. The timing uncanny. I know my time is coming but this is just plain NUTS.

At least someone is concerned about my "final resting place". Talk about a Wake Up call... Sheesh!

Act now and get 0% Financing with a 15% Discount! I guess this is what they were referring to as "The Light at the end of the Tunnel?" 
*got to love my sick sense of humor*

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