Friday, August 9, 2019

Coming up for air

So I looked back at the last entry in my former blog, and it would be close to 2 years since I wrote in it, and exactly 8 years when I started it.

Not proud of that, but it was a text message from a "ghost of my past" and the mixed emotions that came from getting it, that encouraged me to revisit blogging once again.

I couldn't tell you why his message prompted me to compose a new blog, but it did.

Maybe because at one time he read my old one; to check in on me without having to directly reach out to me.
That used to bug the shit out of me to be honest... I feel if you want to know something about me, or how I am doing... Pick up the phone and ask me yourself.

Instead of acting like a total creeper, and stalk my blog.

But then again, I have made this (and that) blog "Public" so that argument is invalid. Sort of.

I needed a break, time away from writing about my life, and the things in it. 

 A lot of the time, I wanted someone else's life other than my own. Even when things were great... I always wanted to escape it.

Truthfully, those feelings never really went away. 

It's most people that I want to avoid, yet others, I would spend every waking second in their presence if I could. Those individuals are VERY FEW.

A tremendous amount has happened since the last time I blogged, one would assume so over the span of 2 years (or so). 
Nothing terribly noteworthy that I can think of at the moment... but I'm sure something will come bubbling up to the surface. And of course, I will blog about it.

The one thing I will say that has been a source of great pain is the loss of my favorite companion... my dog.

It's been a over 3+ years since she's been gone, and yet I grieve for her as if it was yesterday.

I'm convinced that she was the only thing I ever truly loved, and I'm actually OK with that.
She passed in my arms at the vet hospital on September 1, 2015.

*I identify with this song so much*

Occasionally she will come to me in a dream (I have had 8 of them in total) and I remember each one vividly.
I hope that those memories will never fade, even after I probably succumb to Dementia or Alzheimer's in my old age.

Please God, just don't take those memories away. You can have everything else, just not the
memories I so cherish of my favorite girl.

Most of the past couple of years were spent in the saddle showing horses, winning prizes, and finding out WHO my true friends were....

The last part was a real eye opening bitch.

Since then it has been spent just working like crazy, and taking road trips to the beach and other places to relax, decompress, and take photographs of things I find beautiful/fascinating/things I do not want to forget.

Tomorrow after work in the morning, my coworker and I are heading down to Monterey to go Whale Watching and to the Aquarium after.

I'm pretty stoked about it as I really don't "get out" to do much of anything anymore.
So much of my time is spent in the lab, and my boss is a quintessential "workaholic" who believes that everyone should be like him as well.

He's cool and all, but I am not happy with that mindset and existence.

Low key I am looking for something more realistic and manageable. Not working (what will be going on the 13th day in a row) and having 0 down time. Not to mention the 2-3 hours I spend in traffic both ways commuting on the daily.

Salaried Employees tend to have to "take it up the ass" with the hours put in at the office... and it feels I have a couple of "Whirling Dervish's" up there myself.
*Sorry for being so descriptive*

Not gonna lie... after getting all of this off my chest (and onto my blog), I feel a little bit better.

I liken it to "coming up for air".

And that is just what I did.

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