Thursday, August 8, 2019

Welcome to my world!

Welcome to my online outlet to bitch, moan, complain, or publish a Hallelujah! every once in a while.

If something in this blog offends you, please accept my apologies, and keep it to yourself. 

I take great pride in my ability to laugh, bitch, or cry at myself and the world around me. My mission on earth, this lifetime, is to point out all of these comedies and tragedy's to you.

If you think this blog is funny, educational, or just plain Awesome, congratulations and thank you. My job here is done.

If, after reading this, you are still offended by anything in this blog, take two jokes by Carlos Mencia and see me in the morning.

What you won't find in this blog are pics of the real Me. I prefer to keep my anonymity and those who will be mentioned throughout my postings (actual names will be omitted to protect the innocent). I like to discourage the "Stalker Element" as I already have one and *Disclaimer* I am not currently accepting applications for anymore.

What you will find is an honest account of my life and the things, people, and places that in some way have shaped who I am, or has affected me in some profound way. 
Or just plain needs to be vented online...

A little about myself.... I am a woman who has had many interesting experiences in this life that most people wouldn't be able to say they have done the same. Some really freakin cool, and others I would rather never admit to (we have all been there), so yeah, I may let some skeletons out of the closet on here from time to time. 
It just gives that element of humility and humor without this blog would never been made. 

Im a pretty sarcastic individual, keeps things humorous for me - not so much for others some times :-/   Yet, I have a heart of gold (this coming from others, not myself) but most often times I give my whole everything to the wrong people that in the end, I get burned.
Sound familiar?

I think I need to put a tourniquet on this bleeding heart of mine.

A friend and coworker describes me as a cross between "Georgia Lass" from "Dead Like Me" (sarcastic) and Kate Hudson (goofy & sweet). Ok... I'll be happy to own up to that!

According to my parents (God bless them but they drive me nuts) I don't take things seriously enough, and there is some truth to that I will admit, but I look at them and they just don't ever seem Happy. 
So I try to maintain a level of silliness for myself because if I was as stoically focused as they are, Christ! I could crap a Diamond out if you fed me a lump of Coal.... No thanks. I will stick to being me :)

I work with some "Propeller Heads" on a daily basis so I get enough of that.

Moving on..
My pain and humiliation can be your entertainment and/or learning experience.

What prompted me to make this blog was an old High School friend of mine had made one about her trials and tribulations at letting go of her longtime boyfriend.
I completely admire her strength and courage with that as she literally put it all out there for the whole world to read, photos of her and her real name..... I don't have those kind of "cahone's".  
Again, I have a stalker so I don't care to allow him into my life any further. Much less have some crazed fan come knocking at my door looking for me.

Yes folks.... that HAS happened. Some people really need to get a life!

With that said, Welcome to my crazy life on the net.


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