Sunday, September 8, 2019

For the Love of Sarcasm totally gets me... and so does one of it's writers S. Tran

I have spent the last 2 hours in stitches laughing over this man's writing style. He gives me so much to aim for in my own writing and speech.

Ironically a few friends of mine have asked if I was a "ghost writer" for this website as well as The Onion
*another one of my favorite sites*

So I guess I should feel flattered and quite honored that someone would think that I had the talent and humor to convey my stories in this way.

Wouldn't be the first time someone told me I was funny as hell ;)
And for those that can't appreciate Sarcasm.... I feel sorry for them.

Though lately I just cannot tap into my "inner smart ass". It's annoying really. With all this vomiting and sleeping I'm doing, I have no time for the witty repartee' I am accustomed to.

It feels like I've lost an appendage :(

#everythinghurtsandimdying #sickaf

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