Sunday, February 11, 2024

Another Day of Firsts (A Not-So-Happy Birthday)


Today would have been my mothers 74th birthday and is the first one of many ahead that I will be celebrating without her.

Every year without fail, I would usually text message her or call and ask. "What do you want for your Birthday?" as well as Mother's Day, so that I could make sure that I would be able to secure whatever it was that she was wanting as a gift.

This year, and from now on, there will be no more of those conversations. Sadly.

What I would give to have to stress over making sure that her gift(s) would get here either before or on time for her special day. What I would give to have the enjoyment of wrapping gifts and picking out the perfect Birthday card just for her. It would always be a poodle themed one as we have had those dogs since I was 6 years old.

She got me my first dog (a poodle named "Heidi") when I was 6 on Valentine's Day. I will never forget that day, and even now it brings a smile to my face :) And we have had poodles ever since. A total of 5 in all. That is the reason for the poodle themed cards... Sorry, got "derailed" there for a minute.

At the very least, this year and for the rest of her "heavenly existence", she will be able to "celebrate" with her family and loved ones in Heaven (Yes, I believe in that) and not in pain as she was in her physical body here on earth. 

As much as I miss her terribly, I'm beginning to feel happy, as much as I can right now, that she is no longer suffering and is with those that love her on "the other side".

I will have to source a chocolate cake and celebrate on my own in her memory.

Happy Heavenly Birthday, Mom. 

You are so very missed and loved. 

I hope you are happy and well wherever you are.

I love you


Last night I received an auto rosary that I had custom made in honor of both my parents that has a very small photo of the both of them attached to it.

*Stock Photo from Etsy Seller*

Of course, with any rosary, you should have it blessed by a Priest (if you are Catholic) before use. Auto Rosaries are no exception IMO. 

It just so happened that my church does Blessings of personal articles on the Second Sunday of each month. Today, on my mother's birthday, is the second Sunday... 

So, I grabbed my rosaries (2 auto's and 1 personal) and ran down to the church to get them blessed.

I was able to meet the priest outside after Mass (I got there just as it was letting out) and he graciously blessed everything I had with me, including myself.

The best part of it all... his name was Father Carl.
My dad's name.

*YEP.... here come the tears... AGAIN*

I see what you did there, Mom & Dad. 
Thank you for that. It was a gift. One I will cherish forever.

It is my mother's birthday today, and she gave ME a gift.

Thank You Mommy... I love it. And I love you.

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