Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Negative, "Ghost Rider", the REM Cycle is Full


OK, So.. Last night was a real trip sleep-wise. 😐

I had a dream that I was in the military, and I had somehow broke the handle on my barrack door. It was still attached to the door, but just dangling there.  

As 2 other females (assuming they too were enlisted; I don't remember what branch we were) came to look at said door handle, here comes freakin Tom Cruise... TOM CRUISE. WTH?!

He looked at me, my broken door handle, and gave a weird smile. He then continued to walk away down the hall that my barrack lined. As he walked away, one of the girls that was in my dream goes on to tell me that she had gone on a date with Tom Cruise, and that he was a total asshole.

As she said that, Tom then came back to where I was standing and asked me personally if I would like to join him for dinner, at Table 5, and that we would be viewing the newest Top Gun movie: "Top Gun: Maverick."

Feeling flattered at that moment? HELL YEAH 😂

I accepted his invitation despite the "rave review" that I had just gotten from one of the females in my group (one woman's "trash, could be another woman's "treasure." I make up my own mind here), and then was passed 2 pieces of paper that instructed me where to go, what time I had to be there, and a menu.

I tried to read the writing on those papers, but I usually fall short in that category. I just remember certain aspects or "symbols" if you will. 

I woke up before I could go on this "dream date" of mine and woke up pretty confused and amused. 

Here is Google once again coming in clutch 🠟

The irony of this is, that it totally checks out 😂 But WHY Tom Cruise???

I can't believe he called me out like that in my dream. He's a fine actor, but I've never "fan girled" over him. And there are tons of reports of people stating that while he is a brilliant actor, IRL he can be a huge jerk. 

Annnnnd so can I..... I think I am seeing where this dream is possibly hinting at. 

The highlighted portion is me 100% all day, every day. 

But TOM CRUISE?... just why?? I mean, if you are going to give me an actor to go on a literal "dream date" with, make it Keanu Reeves! I love that man so much 💓💓💓

Mother effing Tom Cruise... I wouldn't be so upset if there was the infamous "Volleyball scene" in this dream of mine, but NOOOO. *why am I being punished? *

I will say that Tom did look mighty handsome in his white Naval Officer suit when he approached me.

No idea what any of this craziness means, but it was nice to know that one of the world's most popular actors, picked me to "go to dinner with."

Thanks Tom for an interesting REM cycle. 

*I need to get my head checked*

*the exact facial expression when I accepted his invitation*

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