Saturday, September 14, 2019

This just in....

I can't catch a break from this guy!

Yet another email within hours of the last... Seriously?
"Hey!  It was a treat to chat with you earlier and I am very pleased you are doing well.  I am proud of you as I am sure you are of yourself.  I know you will land out on top as you have the persistence, intelligence and drive to accomplish anything you like.  After careful consideration and much reflection, I figure I would rather have you in my life in some capacity, in some way then not at all.  I realize you have a new boyfriend and that for us, who knows what could ever occur, if anything; but I invite you to keep in touch, to keep me posted on what you are up to and perhaps, we can catch up soon.  I have a lot that has occurred in my life that would take too much time right now to tell you about.  I realize you may not have a phone as well, but feel free to call me should you ever get one. Moreover, feel free to IM me anytime and it is interesting, you are right about things happening for a reason.  I also believe this as just last night I was actually thinking of you and you happened to be on-line today.  The same day I saw a pink stuffed animal horse and again, there you are on-line.  I also have come to realize a few other things in my life and the issues we had problems with, at least on my end, do not really matter in the grand scheme of life. The items I bugged you about and the requests of you I had really are insignificant as compared to again, the big picture and who a person is overall.  I am speaking from the heart here and I am indeed sorry for any grief I may have caused you.  It would have been ideal to try again, but again I know you have moved on and so have I in many ways.  I wish you well.


Yep... I told him I had a boyfriend. This guy wasn't getting the hint even when applied with a sledgehammer. 


I am flattered... what girl wouldn't be? But this just rubs me the wrong way. Especially when someone tells you they are in a relationship and still persist? even in this seemingly innocuous way (I know better).

**Side Note: I forgot to mention in my previous posting about him, that not only is he psychotic, but also has a violent past involving physical abuse and threats for which I have had to have law enforcement called against him**

It helped that "Josh" was within earshot so it made things sound more convincing. Though he did volunteer his "services"... lol 

We won't go there on my blog.
I hope now he will stop calling the house, mailing me packages, letters, cease all contact.
I closed my email account too.

I really dislike having to jump through all these ridiculous hoops to keep my life free and clear of this kind of drama... it's annoying.
*Fingers crossed that this will be the end of this chapter in my life*  

There are not enough middle fingers to convey my feelings for this guy... 

Friday, September 13, 2019

It's Fri-yay!

Now to go get my friend from the airport so we can cause trouble all weekend... on Friday the 13th :)


Thursday, September 12, 2019

No Means HELL NO *Putting an ex on blast*

Stalkers... got to love them!
*Sarcastic Tone*

I came home tonight to a very touching yet creepy email from an ex that simply cannot let go. Will not move on. Even when I move away, change my number, change my address, and thought I blocked him from being able to email me anymore.
Yet what I didn't factor in was that he still had my parents number. He called while I was visiting earlier this last week.
That was a short lived conversation and not one that I wanted to relive again. Ever.

I guess trying to block him online was a bust because I got a lengthy email from him just a few minutes ago.
While I am flattered that I am thought of after the break up in such a loving way, I am pretty creeped out that he refuses to let me go.

I could not handle the demands, the jealousy, the obsessiveness, the possessiveness, the Selfishness OMG.... I could go on for HOURS about that. Once again, it would be All about HIM.
No, we are done with that.
and the attempt at controlling me. Bhahaha.... Nice try. You lose.

Mind you this was only a 3 month relationship so once again, the "feelings" portrayed here bother me a bit as it appears that he has a deep seated love that in my opinion takes a LOT longer to achieve than 90 days of dating.

Here it is:

"Good day!  How are you feeling?  I hope you are doing well.  What can I say?  I do hope you receive this e-mail. I did send you several very touching cards, but again I sent them to your unit’s house.  I figured they would somehow get your mail to you wherever you are staying.  Yes, it was very soothing to hear your voice and in fact, this is one of the reasons I wanted to reactive my phone. Please know (whether you believe me or not), how difficult it was for me to do this; to contact you again.  I thought and debated this idea over and over in my mind.  I thought about it and reviewed both the positive and negative aspects of this plan.  I was unsure what I would say exactly when I called you, but it was indeed written in all the notes I sent you.  I thought, would she even care to hear from me again?  Does she think of me at all? Does she still have feelings for me and potentially see being with me for something more long-term (this is what I envisioned with you while we were together and in many ways, still do)?  Yes I agree; I had something to do with our downfall, but I also thought before calling you; could I take her criticisms of me and do I deserve to hear this after treating her, in my mind at least, as well as I did?  However, again I realize I am also to blame for you leaving and all I can say, is I constantly work on my demons as I hope you do on yours.  I try to find the main reasons and the cause behind what initiates some of my actions you are not too fond of.  Nonetheless, I look to the big picture, which was overall brighter then darker with you and I wonder if you feel the same.

Yes, it has been years since that dreaded October day you left and yes, I was very curious to know how you were doing.  I still care very deeply for you and so I want to be sure you are alright and you are managing to progress in terms of your job and in relation to keeping your horse.  I know he means a lot to you and frankly, had you stayed I am sure we could have worked something out for us and for you in terms of your goals.  In fact, I did research this for you while you were here and even several weeks after you left.  I actually have a student who owns a horse and she mentioned you boarding your horse at her parent’s place (they have a huge place with stables and all), but you already left by this time.  I will say I am flattered you kept your necklace; I am shocked you wear it occasionally. This means a lot to me.  I hope you kept all the goodies I gifted you.  Again, I was unsure what calling you would produce and what emotions I would experience.

All I know is, yes I have moved on in most respects.  My job is going very well, I have been traveling a bit including a recent trip to Oakland for work.  I was even planning to contact you then, but figured you were not interested in seeing me again.  My position at Valley College is also going well.  I remain active in my sports and I actually completed a 5-mile walk supporting finding a cure for cancer a few weeks ago.  I actually listed you as the person I was walking for.  My Thanksgiving holiday was enjoyable; spent time with my family and friends.  I have worked a few additional shifts at the ambulance station and in fact, saved two people and a dog from the recent fires in Sylmar.

Yes, I did attempt to meet other women after we split as I am still looking for something more exclusive, more long-term and something of potential; a commitment of sorts that involves sticking together through good and bad, and finding ways to work a relationship out if two people do care for each other.  However, seeing another woman did nothing for me and I could not stay with her as my mind has been on you.  We have become more friends then anything else.  My heart still lies with you and though you may not feel this for me anymore, I just have to let you know how I feel.  I am not really looking to just be your friend (this has not changed), but I also really do miss you.  I miss your smile, your touch, I miss holding your hand and cuddling with you.  I miss going to Pickles with you and eating those good old black and white cookies.  I miss having you in my classroom and watching me in action so to speak.  I miss our little weekend getaways and trips we took, but most importantly, I miss YOU.  Yes, you the package; your heart and your soul. In fact, I sometimes look at your pictures and hold them to my heart thinking you will hear my heart beating for you and sometimes I find it difficult to use the wine glass you gave me as it reminds me of you, which saddens me to realize you are not with me.

In fact, there was a part of me that hoped you would be here for the holidays as I would have loved to spend New Year’s Eve with you.  I would have enjoyed spending Hanukkah and even Christmas with you.  I am unsure, maybe this is still a possibility and I would pay for an airline ticket if you want to visit.  I guess I am just being naïve, maybe a moment of weakness, but I am speaking from the heart and I fell in love with you. I am STILL In Love With YOU. I thought I could move on in terms of the relationship arena, but it is challenging.  Why?  Again, I fell for you.  Anyway, I do hope you are doing as well as could be expected with what remains on your plate.  You may not believe me, but I am here if you want to talk and I will work on my listening skills to help in this process.  You remain in my heart. Think about my offer as we do not know what could be without becoming reacquainted with each other and ourselves.


While that is heartfelt, I just can't help but to feel a bit skeeved out and "stalked" once more by him.
Yes, he sent MANY cards, gifts, and cookies from my favorite bakery... but I could not accept them. All correspondence got "Return to Sender" stamped on them and sent back. I didn't want anything from him except to Let Me Go and to leave me tf alone... Move on already!

My roommate threatened him with a 12 ga. shotgun salute should he try to make his way to the house.
God Bless him.

Once again, right words... wrong person. 
Oh well! Not going to let that stop me from having my movie night!
We are going to watch "The Book Thief"

"When Life robs you, sometimes you have to rob it back"

I love that line. 

I DON'T love Jason.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Road to Recovery

Oh the wonderful world of the Internet.
There are no limits to what it can bring you while you are wracked by the plague, bedridden, and bored to insanity.

It's really sad to me that after five minutes of reading the front page on "Yahoo News" that I want to pack up and leave the planet...
Anyway, I pretty much stuck to YouTube and Facebook, with the exception of text messages from friends checking up on me; trying to cheer me up :)

*had to take his face out of the pic. He didn't ask to be published here*

I love my friends ;)

One even had pizza and Chicken Soup delivered to my house.

Chicken Soup delivered? Where was I when this option had become available?

Sick in bed I am going to assume. One of my coworkers dropped off my favorite vitamin c tablets and some NyQuil on my front porch. 

He didn't want to ring the door bell for fear I would answer and get him sick too.

Can't blame him there... I feel like death.

YouTube... Wow. There is no limits to what people post there. My "ignorance cherry" has been officially popped thanks to the people of America (mostly).

This week I learned about Drug Cartel's, Prostitution, Brothel Houses, Attachment Parenting (I have all sorts of issues with this one), smokey eye make up application, Natural Cancer treatments, Doctor Assisted Suicide, and a ton of Documentaries (my favorite).

I'd like to blame on being on the verge of dying, but I don't think YouTube is the "white light" one sees before their final hour. If it is, I am going to be very concerned and disappointed.
I will site severe boredom and leave it at that.

Of course there is always the obligatory Facebook posts that brought me hours of amusement in between coughing, sneezing, vomiting, and sleeping.

This... a mixture of complete stupidity, ingeniousness, and just tragedy.

However, the very end is pretty funny ;)

I am happy to report I am on the road to recovery, that I don't feel quite as debilitated as I did a few days ago or even yesterday.

At least I know should I become a permanently ill recluse, I have hours upon hours of YouTube videos to occupy my days/nights with.

That statement almost scares me.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Death Becomes Her

Holy Crap I want to die.... I feel like week old Road Kill.

It is past midnight and I have not had any sleep. Between the constant sneezing and coughing, it would be impossible.

Damn plague spreaders. I happen to get REALLY irritable and cranky when I am sick. I could literally break a few laws right now and feel no remorse. That is how pissed I am.
I HATE being sick.

My floor has a protective coating of tissues from all the sneezing, gallons of Gatorade to prevent dehydration for which I am highly susceptible, and a plethora of cough & cold medications.

My room may need to be treated like a BSL 4 containment area and burned down. Seriously.

Tomorrow at work ought to be interesting. I'm actually quite nervous as I am scheduled to do the closing studies while feeling like crap. I may have to have someone else do it. Which

will piss me off of course.
I adore my lab time.

All of this could have been avoided if someone (Boss *cough* Boss) didn't come into work while he was sick.
Yes, I am going to hold a grudge for a while... He is a vector of disease and should be treated as such.
I could go on... and get a whole lot meaner, so I will stop right here.

I need sleep.... I need something to knock my ass OUT like NOW.
And I have 2 parties to go to tomorrow. Of course I will have to cancel on one of them and make a short appearance to the other (Birthday). Not looking forward to this :(

More than likely, I will be reduced to a "chalk outline" by the end of the week...

I just want to die NOW.


Monday, September 9, 2019

Pet Shaming

Lately I have had a major affinity for the latest craze of "Pet Shaming".
I am kind of saddened that I can't seem to catch my own dog in the act of something I could publicly "shame" her for and join the crowd.

Could be her "militant upbringing" that prevents her from such behavior.

Maybe one of my betta's will be big enough jerks to be published. 🐠

Sunday, September 8, 2019

For the Love of Sarcasm totally gets me... and so does one of it's writers S. Tran

I have spent the last 2 hours in stitches laughing over this man's writing style. He gives me so much to aim for in my own writing and speech.

Ironically a few friends of mine have asked if I was a "ghost writer" for this website as well as The Onion
*another one of my favorite sites*

So I guess I should feel flattered and quite honored that someone would think that I had the talent and humor to convey my stories in this way.

Wouldn't be the first time someone told me I was funny as hell ;)
And for those that can't appreciate Sarcasm.... I feel sorry for them.

Though lately I just cannot tap into my "inner smart ass". It's annoying really. With all this vomiting and sleeping I'm doing, I have no time for the witty repartee' I am accustomed to.

It feels like I've lost an appendage :(

#everythinghurtsandimdying #sickaf

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Alice in Hungerland *Crash Helmet Needed*

This post brought to you by Insomnia and copious amounts of Pepto Bismol.
I don't know why I keep ingesting this stuff... it is not working :(

For years now I have had major issues with my battle with weight gain and food in general.
With me being sick lately, I have been revisited by an "old friend" that while I know it is very wrong to enjoy this feeling, I can't help myself.

Hello Anorexia.

The art of starvation in hopes of achieving the perfect body, to be in total control.
Blame it on my ever slowing metabolism and sluggish thyroid, but now it looks like that reverting back into my old habits is where my eating habits are headed.

I once got down to 88 lbs. because the guy I was with kept going on and on about how his ex girlfriend was only 100 pounds and tiny.
That was the start of my "hunger game". Well, I won and lost... Literally.
I have always had body image issues, and it isn't like I am disgustingly ugly - No. I am quite pleased with my looks (Thankfully) and have had no complaints in that department.
But in the body department, though no one bats an eye when I am clearly watching what I eat, working out like a beast at the gym, and pushing myself to the limit (of what I will allow others to see) That is a much different story.

I take that back... One night I was with "Scott" and he put his arm around me and looked at me asking if I was getting enough to eat.
I lied... I said Yes, but inside I was soo stinkin HAPPY to hear that. And the fact that he could feel every rib bone and shoulder bone on me. Though he never once pressured or forced me to eat.
Thank God.

I know what is going on in my body and my head right now is not right, not healthy. But it's like an old shoe that is comfortable to be in. I don't know if I can stop this ride.

I don't think I want to.


Friday, September 6, 2019

Friday Find

Found: The brand name on my Toilet... don't ask.
I have lived in this house since February of 2014 and just now saw this. The ridiculous part is that I am constantly cleaning my bathroom to surgical grade sterility and yet this has gone unnoticed until today. 

This gives "Praying to the Porcelain God" a literal meaning here.

I'm not sure what was worse... the blatant disregard for reading labels in the bathroom or that I felt the need to take pics and blog about it.
Most likely Door # 2. 

Here's to hoping its not a "sh*tty" Friday! *sorry couldn't help myself*

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Tip of the Day

Shared on my Facebook today:

"I have always believed that you get what you expect from people. Even if you don't see it right away. Trust people, believe in them, give them a purpose, make them feel useful, smart and strong. Invest in them. Then they will show us what we search for in a human. Even if they are no longer in your life when they are ready to be what was expected of them, someone else is will still get the benefits of what we believed and invested in."

My 2 cents on this is: It's not like it's saying to have unrealistic expectations and be a princess, it's just saying don't lower your standards and go for someone that isn't worth your time just cause you're lonely. It's not holding your breath - it's don't settle for mediocre. Or less than you deserve.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

When Death Comes a Knockin...

Where to begin with this one... Sooo this little "gem" was delivered to my neighbors by mistake and promptly landed on my doorstep this fine Sunday morning.

Is someone trying to tell me something here??... Has my time here on earth finally coming
to an end?

Should I say my "Good Bye's" now before I am consecrated to dust? This is just too creepy. The timing uncanny. I know my time is coming but this is just plain NUTS.

At least someone is concerned about my "final resting place". Talk about a Wake Up call... Sheesh!

Act now and get 0% Financing with a 15% Discount! I guess this is what they were referring to as "The Light at the end of the Tunnel?" 
*got to love my sick sense of humor*