Thursday, February 8, 2024

A "Family" of a different kind

After a particularly difficult post I had made yesterday via Instagram, within a few hours there was a knock on my door; outside was a man with a beautiful flower arrangement just for me.

They were graciously from the company I work for, and I'm guessing who ordered the flowers, remembered that I always use the company colors (Blue & White) for everything "company themed."

This detail I really appreciated. I know that is a strange one, but even with all the frustrations I have experienced at work (who hasn't in their respective jobs?), in that moment, and in others previous, I realized how much they mean to me, and I to them.

Their "message" on the card was short, sweet, and to the point. Again, very much mirroring my personality. THEY GET ME. And I again, appreciate that so much.

What was the most meaningful, was that there were no white Lilies amongst those flowers. 

White Lilies, while they are beautiful and have a deep meaning in the Catholic faith, give me severe PTSD.
They were on the casket saddle of my aunt Charlotte's coffin at her funeral many years ago, and I will never forget the smell of those Lilies. It makes me very sad. 

So the absence of those, gave me a huge sense of relief. Weird, I know. It makes sense to me and that is all that matters here.

I would estimate about a week and a half ago, maybe 2, where my boss's boss (who ironically was my direct boss at a previous job) had texted me alerting me to needing to "drop something off to me" and wanted to know if I would be home at a certain time... He met me a few hours later, not knowing the day before that my mom had passed. I had not told anyone as I just couldn't hold it together in order to get those words to pass through my lips, much less in a text message.

The reality was still something I was trying to deny.

He handed me a card that had been signed by every single person on my team; heartfelt messages that left me in a puddle of tears all over again.

Who am I kidding?... I've been a non-stop source of lacrimation. I don't need anything tangible to render me into a sobbing mess, but this did it. 

I was absolutely overwhelmed with emotions ranging from surprised, to so very touched.  The reason for the "surprised" comes from the fact that I can be very militant at work and behave accordingly.

Sometimes, more often than not, this attitude or behavior isn't exactly well received, but it is all I know. And from that, I have a very high standard set for myself and others that work within my group.

It will be something I will be working on in the coming days, months, years... But getting back to the immediate subject: this card really got to me.

I needed to "hear" all those messages. And I needed to hear it from the people I am with the most.

I'm so very honored to have made such an impact on them (and I'm well aware that some or all of what was written could be total B.S. and they just wanted to be "nice") and I DO miss being around them even if most days I'm bitching about something they have done/not done lol... 

Though I wonder about them if they are truly missing my presence... I may have to recommend "professional help" for them too! haha

Either way, the feelings are mutual.

I also got a barrage of sympathetic well wishes from colleagues on our company WhatsApp channel, and once again, tears & smiles commenced.

Even though I am physically alone having to deal with the loss of my mother and the things left behind... it's nice to know that I'm not "technically alone". 

Family, Friends, and friends whom have turned into "family" are just a phone call/text message away.

And if you are lucky enough... you get to work with some of them.


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