Thursday, May 23, 2024

Guilty Pleasures (YouTube Edition)

Guilty pleasures come in all forms. This one was one that I would not have gravitated towards on my own naturally, but it has a "sentimental" memory attached to it.

Now I am a self-confessed "YouTube Aficionado" and can spend hours or even days just binging my favorite channels and content creators. 

My favorite channels consist of:

Make Up Tutorials

Board Certified Dermatologists

Board Certified Doctors for medical videos

Ketogenic Diets

And now content creator: Whatever Linda πŸ˜‚

The backstory behind the current "fandom" is that before my mom had passed away, she was a huge fan of 90 Day FiancΓ© and watching it with her was an acceptable way of spending her last months with her. 

I know that sounds positively absurd, but she would tune out the world when that show came on, and she would want to discuss the show, the characters, and plot lines with me and I found myself completely uneducated by this as it was not a show I was interested in, so I didn't watch it.

Seeing how frustrated my mom got by that, she was wanting to connect with someone who had the same interest, I started to watch the series. It also helped that a close friend of mine in Jersey was a HUGE fan so I would call her to get caught up on everything so that I could have conversations with my mom about the show.

*Screenshots lifted from Whatever Linda's YouTube Channel*

The night she passed, we "watched" (I watched 90 day and had the TV volume up to where she could hear it as she was unconscious and in the process of passing away) the show... I left, went home, and got a call just a few short hours later letting me know she succumbed to the cancer that ravaged her body and was gone. 

After that, it took me a little bit to pick back up and watch the show, because by now I am very familiar with it, and I found myself watching it as it was something that my mom and I shared together. 

With my priorities now forever changed not having the responsibility of caring for a terminally ill parent, I found myself pouring myself into work hard core to escape feeling the intense emotions of losing a parent. Let alone both parents within months of each other, leaving me completely alone.

*Linda refers to Adam Sandler as her "husband" on her channel πŸ˜‚*

By the time I would get home from work, I am completely exhausted and just can't stay awake for the newest episode(s), so I ran to my trusty source of all things "news": YouTube

I don't exactly remember how I found Whatever Linda, but I quickly found myself binging her whole channel in a matter of mere days. 

She has been my source of all things 90 Day and does it with Oscar Worthy snark which appeals to me for obvious reasons 😁

I am completely OBSESSED with her "Statue of David" floating head filter... I do not know why but I freaking LOVE IT!

The facial expressions just kill me πŸ˜‚

She even has Official Whatever Linda Merch and you bet your ass I'm getting a shirt! 😍

And randomly she will insert "her Husband" (Adam Sandler) in some of her videos which catches you off-guard in the best possible way. 
It's OK Linda, Keanu Reeves is my Husband so I get it πŸ˜‰

Anyway, I wanted to write a post about Whatever Linda, her channel, I liken it to KFC πŸ” and it's 11 herbs and spices. You crave that ish for a fortnight. It's addicting! If I had to fault her, it would be that she doesn't upload often enough... I need at the very least 5 uploads a day πŸ˜†

 Honestly, you will have to watch it for yourself as my explanation doesn't do it the justice it deserves. 

And I'd like to Thank her for helping me keep up with the last memories I had with my mom... I wished I found her channel while my mom was still alive.

She would have LOVED watching it πŸ’•

*Click Image to Play*


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