Sunday, June 9, 2024

Not today, Satan....


As if the universe wasn't tossing enough "jokes" my way lately, it tries to top itself by having my former supervisor who had essentially trashed my reputation with "Bob", and made me largely unemployable for damn near a YEAR after I left the company whom I was working under her for, by getting a Facebook DM from the devil herself.

This bitch is extremely delusional thinking I would ever want to hear from her or about her ever in my life ever again!

Initially I just ignored and did not open the message, but as the days wore on, she just kept adding to her unread messages to me for a total of 3. 

I realize this should be "water under the bridge" and to "forgive and forget." 

Fuck No! I'm going to allow myself to be a petty bitch and remember EVERYTHING she said and had done behind my back to damn near destroy my career because it was evident she was a shit-tastic supervisor.

I have ALL the emails and messages where she is blatantly backstabbing me and not to mention close friends of hers admitted to my face that she was setting me up for failure. It was also said she would do anything to keep her job. Read: Lie & backstab to make her look innocent and have others take the fall for her. 

I wasn't the first of her "victims" either. 

But she will be MY last.

As much as I wanted to ream her a new one, I just blocked her. Blocked her from Facebook, Instagram, from my life. Pretty sure she's on TikTok so I'll have to block her there as well if I find her. 

Until then, RIP 

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