Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Reasons, Seasons, and Lifetimes


So today was the equivalent of a "shit sandwich."
I know...  lovely choice of descriptives but honestly, this one slaps. The accuracy tho

I wasn't in the mood to be at work today in the first place, but probably the worst news was delivered during our Tuesday Meeting: my boss's boss gave his notice. 

I'd like to preface this post as I am well informed that it is almost never a good idea to blog/vlog/publish anything about your place of employment and it is generally avoided if you want to keep your job, but I'm willing to take that risk today. 

When it was announced that my boss's boss was no longer going to be a part of the company, I just stood there in the lab in complete shock. Like life just ripped the rug out from under me, leaving me to land on a bed of nails.

Without revealing too much, this person and I initially did not get on that well. I worked for them years ago at another laboratory but the supervisor that he had me report to, was extremely dishonest and lied her ass off about me to him. In turn, that made him very wary of me and inevitably causing me to leave the company I met him at.

There is a ton more to that story, but I really don't want to go back down that road mentally. Let's just say that a month and a half later, the supervisor I had reported to ended up leaving the company as well, but she was doing that it avoid being put on a Performance Improvement Plan. She jumped ship before that could happen to her. 

Fast forward 3 years later, I found myself face to face with my boss once more. I wasn't terribly excited about working with him again, especially after he allowed my direct supervisor to set me up for failure. I was taking the fall for her lies and mistakes. It was easy to blame everything on me and I was told that she would do anything to keep her job. Even if that meant she needed to be a snake about it.

It took a couple of months for me to relax around my old manager, but I'm glad I pushed through my fears because it turns out that I was completely wrong about him. I believed what my supervisor said and never questioned her.

At one point, my old manager (we will call him "Bob") and I commuted into work together. He lives just down the road from me. It worked well for a time, but he has the option to work from home, I do not. Commuting takes gas and bridge tolls, so the carpooling came to a halt, but it was great while it lasted.

This gave both of us the opportunity to get to know each other outside of work and I guess "bond" in a way. I learned A LOT about him and his background. I learned he was nothing like the monster that my previous supervisor made him out to be. 

I had made it my mission to show and prove to him that I was not that employee that my supervisor made me out to be.
 A colossal fuck up.

I'd like to believe in the last 2 years, I accomplished that mission. 

I've been reliably informed that he has spoken highly of my skills and teaching abilities which made me tear up on the spot. FINALLY, I got the validation I had been so badly seeking from him.

There was a part of me that just could not stand the thought of him not seeing or appreciating my skill sets, proficiency, and knowledge. I lost quite a bit of sleep over it.

Now, it will be crying myself to sleep (maybe not that dramatic, but there have already been tears).

One of my coworkers poked fun at the situation by saying that I would need to get a bobble head statue of "Bob" to step in as my "security blanket" in the lab. I would run to him quite frequently when I was unsure of a new procedure, walk through my thought process when assessing new techniques, or performing something technically difficult and needed him just to stand there... to be my "security blanket."

I'm fairly certain that he finds this attachment amusing and absurd. Especially since this is coming from a grown woman about his age. 
I'm not proud of it πŸ˜†

He was gracious to spend a few minutes in a conference room where I choked back tears while telling him that is was an honor to get to work with him again, as well as telling him a little bit about my favorite mentor from a previous job in 2001. Without her persistence and support, I don't think I would be where I am today career-wise. I am beyond grateful for her, and I was lucky enough to be blessed with another one of those humans in my lifetime: "Bob."

I couldn't let "Bob" leave the company without letting him how much his mentorship meant to me, and how I hold him in the same regard as my mentor.

He knows that this is a big deal as he also knows me well enough to know I'm not a fan of most people in general and avoid them as a result. At least I hope he knows. 

While I wanted to fall into a puddle of my own frustrations & tears, the title of this blog post came to me in an instant.

I was reminded of that quote about people come into your life either for a reason, season, or a lifetime.

I believe "Bob" was all 3.

The Reason: So I could rectify myself in his eyes and prove my former supervisor wrong (and anyone else who believed her bullshit about me).

The Season: Not everyone you meet in your life is meant to stay. This is especially hard for me as I have a hard time letting people go, even if it is in their best interest. I was tasked to learn and integrate new surgical models in house, I don't know how confident I would have been had he not been there for me to psychologically lean on. I needed the confidence, and "Bob" gave it to me in his own way.

"Bob's" time in my immediate life is done as of June 6th. Maybe he is needed elsewhere where he can be of guidance and mentorship to someone who needs it more than I do. 

I'm selfish. I don't want him to go, but I know he wants something different for himself. I can't blame him.

A Lifetime: I get to carry with and got to replace bad experiences & memories, with ones of deep respect and fondness. As I have stated before, I place and rank him just as high as my mentor. This is NOT easy to do, and I found it to be effortless. He's earned his spot at the podium in which I place only the best people on. He stayed with me when I was nervous about performing a new technique and gave me guidance when I needed/asked for it. 

I hope wherever his new job takes him, that they know what an amazing human being they have hired.

I am preemptively jealous of his new colleagues and wish I was one of them. 

He let me know that where he was going, they didn't have the type of lab or position I have worked in for the past 22 years. Hearing that broke my heart all over again, but I have to remember that not everyone is meant to stay in your life. And find the grace to let them go. 

I'm lucky to have had a second chance to prove myself to him, I need to work on being OK if that was his purpose in my life. 

I'm grateful, I just wish I could tell my heart it's going to be fine. 

Baby steps, I guess. 

Thank You, "Bob." Thank You for everything 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Friends in Low Places


This post comes at "ironic timing" as I personally did not know that it is Mental Health Awareness Month, hence the irony. 

As I have stated before, I have been actively participating in seeing a therapist twice a week and will continue to do so as I have never felt better and of course realize that I still have a long way to go to help undo years of trauma and disordered thinking/reaction patterns. 

Just recently I have been diagnosed with ADHD Combined Type which makes complete sense; it was a relief (believe it or not) to finally have a diagnosis to what I have been experiencing my whole life that others around me did not seem to struggle or deal with at all. 

While I was relieved and grateful for a diagnosis, which meant that I was not alone in this disorder, I was also faced with feelings of shame as well. Shame for the way I have behaved, Shame for how I treated others as a result. Shame for not recognizing it and getting help sooner.

I am in no way going to take all the blame for how things have played out due to my ADHD, because everyone has "issues" and no one person is perfect. But I'm willing to recognize and own my part in the negative impact(s) that it had caused. Though I'm no longer going to unpack mentally and live in the "victim" mindset or justify my action(s).

It's been a rollercoaster of emotions, but it has also been a relief as I have stated before, getting the diagnosis, getting the appropriate medication, and as always, Therapy.

There is this saying, "Be Kind. For everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about."

Enter a good friend of mine.

She just recently shared a TON of information with me that would be like looking both ways to cross a street and getting hit by a plane out of nowhere... It was A LOT, it was a huge surprise, and a huge shock. 

She mastered to art of masking and suppressing her feelings in public, but in the privacy in her own home she would inevitably break down. This has been her mental mode for years, yet no one would ever know. 

When she finally had enough of feeling like crap, and wanted serious help, I shared with her and persisted on seeking help from my Therapist as I trust her 2000% and have gotten a great deal of help from her myself, and I was positive that she too could help my friend.

And she is. Thank God.

Like me, she's working through her issues and really trying to understand why she thinks the way she thinks, why the way she acts, why the way she feels. She is struggling with something that I don't have too much knowledge on, that being Borderline Personality Disorder.

The loss of a recent relationship is what pushed her over the edge; prompting her to want to get help. She is tired of living in that head of hers and I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND THAT. 

Everyone needs to realize that for most people, it is not easy to talk to or have an in-depth discussion about their mental health. The stigmas surrounding it really need to take several seats and die off already. NO ONE is perfect. NO ONE. 

I said what I said.

I felt deeply honored that she felt comfortable enough to talk to me about her struggles and her past experiences from childhood all the way up to the present minute. It was a damn eye opener. Lots of times I couldn't stop myself from crying from what she went through and feeling intense empathy. 

The part that broke me was how she never felt worthy, prioritized, included, or loved by her family, peers, relationships. I understand that all too well and it explained why she constantly overcompensates for just about everything in her life, putting everyone and everything else on the pedestal instead of herself. Abandonment issues that make mine look like child's play.

For once, I'm glad that mine aren't THAT BAD. In the past they used to be, but either I've largely gotten over them, or I have developed an unhealthy coping mechanism of not getting attached as a result.

I think my answer lies in the latter. That will be the topic of my next therapy session.

As my friend was explaining the daily hell that goes on in her head, I remembered that I had a card that was a "gift with purchase" when I got a Life Planner to help keep me and my life on track while I was dealing with my mother in hospice. I was a forgetful mess and not only didn't want the many medical appointments to be missed, but also document the last moments I had before I lost my mom for good.
In that order came that little card that meant more to me than the planner itself.
I needed that message. I needed that reminder. 

Today, my friend needs that reminder. She needs it more than me, so I am now gifting it to her with a message from me on the backside. Sometimes others need to know that they are not alone and that you are there for them. This is my way of helping to do that in the absence of a phone call or being there in person.

It wasn't something that I was wanting to part with, because it meant a lot that I had gotten that card in a time of deep despair. It also reminded me of having to unlearn the toxicity of not feeling worthy my whole life as a result of being raised by a very dysfunctional parent. 

I was gently reminded of a time where something similar happened but with a tiny statue of the Virgin Mary that I found buried in the backyard of a house that we lived in when I was a child. I cherished that statue (think dashboard icon sized) and carried it with me everywhere, held it when I was having times of stress and sadness. My faith and Mary have always brought me comfort. She was my security in a way.

Decades later I found myself parting with her as a close friend had discovered his faith, and needed her more than I did. I struggled with letting her go, sounds stupid but I valued her highly. Begrudgingly I boxed her up and sent her onto her new home hoping she would bring the same feelings to him as she did to me all those years. 
I got upset, but my mom & dad let me know that it was an incredible selfless act and that one day I would be rewarded greatly for it. And I was.

One day I came home to a much bigger version of her, but it wasn't just a statue anymore, it was a flower vase. On the back my mom had handwritten a note that she attached with tape over it and that has now become one of my most prized possessions for multiple reasons.

My hope is that this small card holds the same comfort as that Mary did for me. 
I'd like to think it was my mom on "the other side" reminding me of this incident and to let the card go to someone who really needs it now.

Some things aren't meant to be held onto forever. 

 My friend's physician had prescribed an anti-anxiety medication for her to help manage it as needed, and it's good to know that she isn't wanting to abuse the drug. That she is trying to take steps to prevent that. Most people wouldn't.

I have another friend who uses her medications as a convenient excuse and continues to mismanage her health. It's very hard to watch, and I have distanced myself as a result. 

I'm very glad that for at least the moment, that is not happening here. I will try to help mitigate that as much as I can, and she will do the same for me in other ways. I am not in need of or taking the same medication as she is, so there is no danger of that happening to me. I'm not a fan of most drugs, and I have addiction in my family (heavily) so I try not to take anything other than my ADHD meds, vitamins, supplements, aspirin, and allergy pills. 

I'm boring in that department and I'm fine with it. 

 My friend's journey is different than mine, and I notice that she hyperfocus's on this past failed relationship that she cannot let go of even though it would do her some good; it was incredibly 1 sided and she is still taking 100% of the blame for it and putting the other person on a pedestal (it's hard to listen to without losing it every time...), obsessing over things, situations, & people that have wronged her and cannot accept and let go of the fact that those things have run their courses in her life; missing the lessons she was to have learned from them.

I was the same exact way. However, any time something bends my nose out of shape, my immediate reaction is, "What is this trying to teach me?" Then I go into intense questioning mode to find the answer(s) to that question. Some days are easier than others, and in no way am I trying to say I am better than she is on this. I had some serious growing up to do before I reached that level of maturity. As well as taking accountability for my actions. That one is a hard one to do even without any kind of disordered thinking.

It's hard to watch good friends and family go through these struggles and not be able to fix them for them... I'm a "fixer", it's what I do. But most of the time, it's ourselves that need the fixing and we subconsciously look for other things or people to fix because it's easier to avoid our own messes.

The best any of us could ever do is to be a listening ear, and if you have the resources, to point them in the direction of professional help while we stand by their side being their biggest cheerleader, encouraging them towards the "finish line" without standing in their way. 

I believe that is what I have done here. 
and I'm OK with that.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Guilty Pleasures (YouTube Edition)

Guilty pleasures come in all forms. This one was one that I would not have gravitated towards on my own naturally, but it has a "sentimental" memory attached to it.

Now I am a self-confessed "YouTube Aficionado" and can spend hours or even days just binging my favorite channels and content creators. 

My favorite channels consist of:

Make Up Tutorials

Board Certified Dermatologists

Board Certified Doctors for medical videos

Ketogenic Diets

And now content creator: Whatever Linda πŸ˜‚

The backstory behind the current "fandom" is that before my mom had passed away, she was a huge fan of 90 Day FiancΓ© and watching it with her was an acceptable way of spending her last months with her. 

I know that sounds positively absurd, but she would tune out the world when that show came on, and she would want to discuss the show, the characters, and plot lines with me and I found myself completely uneducated by this as it was not a show I was interested in, so I didn't watch it.

Seeing how frustrated my mom got by that, she was wanting to connect with someone who had the same interest, I started to watch the series. It also helped that a close friend of mine in Jersey was a HUGE fan so I would call her to get caught up on everything so that I could have conversations with my mom about the show.

*Screenshots lifted from Whatever Linda's YouTube Channel*

The night she passed, we "watched" (I watched 90 day and had the TV volume up to where she could hear it as she was unconscious and in the process of passing away) the show... I left, went home, and got a call just a few short hours later letting me know she succumbed to the cancer that ravaged her body and was gone. 

After that, it took me a little bit to pick back up and watch the show, because by now I am very familiar with it, and I found myself watching it as it was something that my mom and I shared together. 

With my priorities now forever changed not having the responsibility of caring for a terminally ill parent, I found myself pouring myself into work hard core to escape feeling the intense emotions of losing a parent. Let alone both parents within months of each other, leaving me completely alone.

*Linda refers to Adam Sandler as her "husband" on her channel πŸ˜‚*

By the time I would get home from work, I am completely exhausted and just can't stay awake for the newest episode(s), so I ran to my trusty source of all things "news": YouTube

I don't exactly remember how I found Whatever Linda, but I quickly found myself binging her whole channel in a matter of mere days. 

She has been my source of all things 90 Day and does it with Oscar Worthy snark which appeals to me for obvious reasons 😁

I am completely OBSESSED with her "Statue of David" floating head filter... I do not know why but I freaking LOVE IT!

The facial expressions just kill me πŸ˜‚

She even has Official Whatever Linda Merch and you bet your ass I'm getting a shirt! 😍

And randomly she will insert "her Husband" (Adam Sandler) in some of her videos which catches you off-guard in the best possible way. 
It's OK Linda, Keanu Reeves is my Husband so I get it πŸ˜‰

Anyway, I wanted to write a post about Whatever Linda, her channel, I liken it to KFC πŸ” and it's 11 herbs and spices. You crave that ish for a fortnight. It's addicting! If I had to fault her, it would be that she doesn't upload often enough... I need at the very least 5 uploads a day πŸ˜†

 Honestly, you will have to watch it for yourself as my explanation doesn't do it the justice it deserves. 

And I'd like to Thank her for helping me keep up with the last memories I had with my mom... I wished I found her channel while my mom was still alive.

She would have LOVED watching it πŸ’•

*Click Image to Play*


Sunday, May 12, 2024

A Year of "Firsts"; a Mother's Day post


Dear Mom,

It's been 105 days since you have been gone, and since then I have spent 105 days without you.

I have celebrated what would have been your 74th birthday without you for the first time, and today I will be not exactly "celebrating" but more like observing "Mother's Day" in your memory... again, without you here. 

Everywhere I have gone in the last week or so, there have been obvious reminders of this impending day. It feels weird and empty without you, but I have to keep reminding myself that even if you were still here, you wouldn't be happy. You would still be fighting the pain and disability that your cancer had left you in. 

If that wasn't the case, you would still be without Carl... the love of your life. 
As much as it hurts, I can comfortably say now that while I do miss you, Carl as well, I am glad that you are now both together even if that means neither of you are here on earth anymore.

I walked into Safeway for my requisite Ghost Green Apple Energy Drinks, I was bombarded with hundreds of floral arrangements, stuffed animals, greeting cards, and balloons to remind everyone not to forget Mother's Day. 

Initially I thought that I would need to "brace myself for impact" emotionally, but I surprised myself by not really feeling anything that would reduce me to tears at that moment. Maybe it was the fact that I was in public, and I'd rather chew off my own arm as if it was in a Bear Trap than to have an emotional breakdown in front of people. 

Either way, I felt the urge to snap a few photos as I knew I was going to need to write about this today. Needed to be "on theme."

Over the past couple of days of course there have been all sorts of Mother's Day or Mom-centric advertisements online that I have seen, but nothing that really caught my attention like the journal/story book: "Mom, I want to hear your story"

I wish I would have found this much earlier... I would have asked you to fill it out for me as I know there are so many aspects to your life that I would have loved to have heard about from YOU, not a friend or family member. 

Then I thought about that and came to the conclusion that I don't know how open to that you would have been. You hid a fatal diagnosis from me for years, what made me think you would pen the truth in those pages? It's OK. I truly believe that if I was meant to have that book, it would have happened.

Just know, I would have loved and cherished every page written in it. 
I cling to the poems and letters you have written to Carl, and I'm OK with that. I wished I kept the birthday cards to me... I hope somewhere in my storage unit, I might find 1 one day. 

As I was cruising my favorite online shopping portal, I came across this card. The listing title stopped me in my tracks, and 3 days later it appeared in the mailbox.

It's listed as "wedding day without mom | birthday without mom | sympathy | thinking of you card | card for friend loss of mom"

That immediately got me thinking... there will be another "first" that you won't be a part of.. my wedding. Not that I'm getting married at the moment, but neither you or Carl will be there in the physical sense. Now THAT got the tears going.

But the phrase "your mom would be so proud of you" was what meant most to me. Because that is all I have ever wanted from you. Was to make you proud of me; something I have rarely if ever felt.

I realize now through therapy and research into the family dynamics, that you didn't grow up experiencing that yourself so how could you give that to anyone else??

I love you Mom, and I am in the process of learning to forgive you. I forgive you for that. 

But most of all, I love you.