Saturday, August 31, 2019

Aussie Slang of the Day

Budgie Smugglers...

According to Urban Dictionary the definition of "Budgie Smugglers":

"Australian slang term for men's tight-fitting Speedo-style swimwear. The 'lump in the front' apparently resembles a budgie when it is stuffed down the front of someone's shorts. Ah, those crazy Aussies!!"

The things you have discussions about on any random day... Sooo would NOT want birds around my junk. *shudders*

I will never be able to look at another Parakeet the same.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Of Dog's and Men

It's fairly common to hear women (and sometimes other men, when they want to get on a woman's good side) claim that "men are dogs." Usually, they are referring to a tendency to prefer dirty or disgusting things, or perhaps follow their basic instincts when it comes to mating. Very rarely do they use the term to refer to a dog's unwavering sense of loyalty or innate intelligence. Such a sad fact...

I am going to jump on the bandwagon here, but not for any of those reasons. In fact, I might even add that women are "dogs" as well, in a sense. And no, I am not alluding to the bitch terminology. Although, good catch, you clever boy ;)

Anyone who has ever owned a dog, or worked in an environment involving canines, knows that they are pack animals. It is absolutely critical for a dog to have an Alpha present--a leader, a master, to follow. This isn't up for debate, it is in their nature. If there is no leader around, if no Alpha demonstrates their superiority, then the only recourse is for the dog to assume leadership of the pack himself. Regardless of how weak or strong he is, this means that he gets to make the rules.

If, however, there is a capable leader nearby who takes charge, then the dog and other members of his pack learn to submit to that leader's will. The dog may occasionally challenge the leader, but in truth, he knows that he is a follower, not the Alpha.

As barbaric as this might seem, it mirrors the human social system rather well. Except for a few anomalies, we generally strive to assume leadership of our chosen "pack", or else submit to the will of a more capable leader without question. This can be seen both in the workplace and in social circles. Many domestic situations are similar as well, although that may be debated these days.

What all this amounts to is a breakdown in society to two classes of people. Two classes of men. Leaders and followers. Alphas and, well, all the rest.

As a woman with more masculine tendencies than most, I gravitate to, and really can only hold respect for, the Alpha males. Men who are confident, who do not need approval, who can hold their own. Men who don't shrink back in fear and run when faced with a challenge or potential rejection. Men who do not hesitate to stand out front. It's an attitude that says both subtly and clearly, I'm here and I'm going to damn well do what I want, so screw anyone who says sh*t to me about it. 

Once I identify this kind of personality in a guy, I'm not only more comfortable around him, I am also considerably more attracted to him. I consider myself lucky if there is a mutual interest...I'm pretty much screwed if things get anywhere remotely resembling serious. 

All the rest...all of these other men...they make wonderful friends, great buddies, interesting conversationalists at a bookstore...but they don't have what it takes. Once I sense that weakness...that insecurity...they have lost their appeal. I don't want to baby a "lost little boy". I'm not here to teach you how to grow your own balls, that's your job. I want to be at the front of the pack with the one who already knows what the hell he wants.

I don't have time to slow down or stop to coddle your feelings. You can run at the back of the pack until you figure them out.

It's okay if you watch my ass while you're there, though.

This blog post was brought to you today in part by a deep philosophical conversation that I got caught up in. More like a "debate" but as you can tell, I could care less about what anyone else thinks... This is my personal opinion based on historical and anthropological FACTS.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Who does this?....

The above pic was taken off of a public restroom wall. Not by me I assure you!

Apparently there are people out there that find photographing "bathroom graffiti" a form of "art".
Yeah... where to begin. 
All I can say is Thank God that there wasn't any "sculpture" involved.

I'm guessing this will either be a "hit" or "miss" as a coffee table book in the near future.
However it would make an exquisite "White Elephant" gift at Christmas time 🎄🎁

Ok.. going to stop the madness now. This blog post stinks. hahaha!

*oh the visuals*

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Just WOW

Well... in a word, Yes. If I feel it is blog-worthy.

BUT (pun intended here)... in the case of one person I know, he knows no limits. 
No Personal Boundaries. And all about "TMI".

Case in point: his recent Colonoscopy, (before, during, and after) proudly described in great detail on Facebook. 
*Why did I have to read that?... I'm going to need more therapy than I thought now*

I got to know way more than I wanted to about said person, and what ever happened to "keeping the mystery alive" here? That must be overrated and so last season. 

Anyway, the play by play of his butt clenching ordeal just solidifies my decision and practice of keeping things that are that Private, exactly that... Private.

I will make an exception if I feel you are a total "Ass" and feel that you are worthy of being the subject of a PSA.

Rant over.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Mad Skillz *someone hire this guy!*

Craigslist: The Ultimate in Showcase Dumping Grounds

Lemonade = Sex?... I missed the memo on that one

Monday, August 26, 2019

Motivational Monday

Yesterday a co-worker was awarded this Lab Coat for his outstanding work within his department.
Apparently this system has long been in place and is used to recognize a particular individuals or groups contributions to their project and/or the company.

Each person who gets awarded this jacket gets to keep it for a week, and also draw, paint, sew, somehow attach something that is representative of them. The last person that got this coat previously was on a team whos acronym is "ARG", so keeping in that spirit they decided to brand the jacket with a Parrot on the right shoulder and a Hook where the left hand would be. Pretty creative!

Well... if you don't already know, I am Goal/Challenge motivated and extremely competitive. Naturally I must have this award! 
I WILL get that jacket! Now to figure out what to put on it when I get it... *because I will get it*

In unrelated news... LOOK what I found on the side of the freeway while commuting to work!

YES! This is spectacular folks!... I almost crashed my car when I saw this out of the corner of my eye at 80mph.
This would be the Mother of all Lawn Ornaments. If only I could convince my roommate to let me display it in his front yard.

I don't know how much this shark is offered at but I will definitely call the place to see out of curiosity... I should see if they deliver. 
I certainly couldn't strap it to the hood of my little 2 door car, but MAYBE I could tow it home?! 
Wouldn't that be a breathtaking sight? Seeing a huge menacing (assuming life sized replica of a Great White) being towed behind a Honda Civic?

For fun I would drive with my windows rolled down yelling "SHARK! Everyone off the streets!" while blasting the theme song to "Jaws".
I'm sure that little stunt would get me a gig on YouTube.

*Sigh* I will have to shelve that dream of mine as it is neither possible nor practical. *Bummer*

But as for the Lab Coat I say:

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Whoa Nelly!

So... How was your weekend? LOL

Mine was nothing less of an adventure ;)

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Saturday Wisdom

from the Buddhist Boot Camp:

"We are often disappointed when we don't get what we want, and get downright upset if we get what we don't want. Then, the minute we finally get exactly what we've been waiting for, we're afraid of losing it. 

The problem isn't the fear, upset, or disappointment, necessarily, it's that never-ending "want" behind it all. So redefine what "enough" means to you, and you'll find that you have plenty of it! :)"

Friday, August 23, 2019

Hey Mr. Owl?....

Finally! The long awaited answer to a pressing childhood question... *haha*

This is what happens when I experience writers block.

You get useless shit like this 💁

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Just when you think you've seen it all....

Because all other bleach is just "meh"

Never thought I would see over achieving household cleaners.
Now I've seen it all.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

0 Interest

To all my little 20 year old admirers... Seriously NOT interested. 

This shit is getting annoying and unacceptable.

Monday, August 19, 2019


It's Monday and I am in a "mood".... (haha.. what's new??)

I usually reserve my Daft Punk for Friday's or the weekend but I am in need of a serious Pick-Me-Up today.

My middle finger has all the answers to everyones questions and requests this morning. 🖕

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Death Becomes Her

This is what staring Death in the face looks like... Ok, well maybe not THAT dramatic but for me, it might as well be. And Yes, I caved and got the wipes. One can never be too careful or clean!
*embarrassing omission there.. I've heard things about the "side effects" of this diet. 🚽💩*

Let me tell you this drink tastes like what I would think liquid ass would taste like. Of course "Hispanic" due to the spicy cayenne pepper.
*my apologies if that sounded racist; it was not intended to. I'm pretty cranky right now and it's only Day 1* 

Why the hell do I do these things to myself?!..... I must have a true masochistic side to myself because this would explain SOOO MUCH in my life. Especially those I chose to have relationships with.
*again, sorry if I offended... this diet brings out the brutal everything in me. And probably too much more to come*

Though I read somewhere that Capricorn's (my astrological sign, which I don't put too much scientific emphasis on generally) are extremely prone to Eating Disorders. 
This diet I would definitely classify it as that. So welcome to my "disorder" folks... and this is only Day 1.
39 more to go... *thud*

However, my reward will be being able to look HOT in this little number I got in Australia. Made my butt look A MAY ZING! 
And will once more :)

I can't say I am going to be "happily" blogging for a while... more like plotting someones ultimate demise.
My own gut and thighs for starters... and most likely my will to live.


Saturday, August 17, 2019

Insanity Day 2

Got a strange look from the bridge toll dude just now for singing Katy Perry as I paid him... Maybe he's more of a Tu PAC fan cuz it sure wasn't my lack of singing skillz that did it.

I wonder who I will get tomorrow....


Friday, August 16, 2019


I can't even remember what the hell day I am on as far as this wretched diet goes.. Oh Yes, BTW as my birthright as a woman, I am embracing my "inner-masochist" and forcing myself
through the brutal process known as "DIEting".
**emphasis on the DIE part**

But I am seriously craving Chocolate something fierce! I would trade my first born for a chocolate bar right about now... *if I had a first born*

Thank goodness I don't have any offspring... they would have been sacrificed to some God's by now for my lack of willpower and non-existent metabolism. 
At this rate, I would need about 6 kids. Maybe 10.

This post just took a weird turn 😳

I think I have officially "cleansed my will to live" 😒⚰

"Kelly" is officially my Spirit Animal.... 

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Can Not Stop Laughing

I am about to die of laughter here...

Best effing thing I have read lately

My scale.. that's a different story.

#thestruggleisreal #motherfuckingscaleihateyou

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Snip! Snip! **NOT for the faint of heart**

Soooo.... 2019 just couldn't be "normal" for me. Oh hell no..
That being said, I had received an email from an ex declaring his contemplation of getting a Vasectomy; of all things.

Personally IMO those are for men that have litters of kids and don't want anymore (he doesn't. That I know of) or they are for the "Man Whores" of society. 
The latter has been confirmed by a few of my guy friends that glorify and embody this category.

Ewww. No Thanks. Move Along!

However, one of said "Man Whore's" sent me this precious posting on Craig's List and he can confirm that

this is a pretty accurate account of what the process is like. Although, one of them didn't fare so well... He still gets sharp "phantom pains" years later after surgery. 
(TMI?... you were warned upon reading this blog 👹)

Wear a damn condom. 

What a Vasectomy is Really Like
So I did it. Got the snip -- the tiny tubes terminated -- pinched off the old baby batter blaster -- you get the picture. While it was (as every man who has ever had it done at least one year prior will tell you) a very simple and quick procedure, I would not ever in good conscience tell another man considering it that it was anything less than a miserable experience. Most guys (fellow blank shooters) I spoke with played it down and made it sound as easy and manly as getting a few stitches after a bar brawl -- well I beg to differ. Although, all the slice-snip-burn-sew blow by blow, step by step tales I was told were frighteningly similar -- and mine is no different:

THEY TAPE YOUR DICK!!!- So after sitting slightly nervous and unquestionably cold in an ass-less gown for about 15 minutes -- periodically wiggling my pink pal just to shake out the shrinkage all the while being mindful not go full mast -- I mean who gets a hard-on in a cold doctor's office while waiting for some dude to rip open your sack and jam some scissors in the hole? Not this weirdo -- Anyhoo, the doctor & nurse bust in like they were trying to catch me jerkin' it (I'm too quick handed to worry about that) and get to work. I lay back, and ol' doc flips up the gown with the vigor and assuredness of a popular jock prom date -- pulls out and rips off about two feet of masking tape -- grabs my cock -- stretches it past my belly button -- and tapes it quite securely to my abdomen. In hindsight I think it's so my Johnson didn't retract into my pelvis as the pain, shame and discomfort slowly consumed me.

MEATBALLS IN A HOLE- The next step in prepping for the procedure was a generous coat of peroxide lathering my thighs -- then came the covering. The doc held up a dishtowel sized heavy cloth with a 3-4 inch diameter hole, well stitched and reinforced with a canvas-like material (you know, so your balls don't tear through it like wet toilet paper when they figure out what's about to happen to them). My freshly shaved scrotum poked through and also received an incredibly cold peroxide dousing. He says "this might get a little uncomfortable" and begins kneading and emulsifying my scrotum between his fingers looking for the right tube to terminate (there are a few on either side) and then came the needle. . .

YOU FEEL EVERYTHING- "You're probably going to feel a sharp pain and a some burning, but then you should not feel any pain from here on" -- Now, it's not that he was lying, but it's really not that simple. Needles don't bug me and a Novocaine shot is really not that high on the pain scale -- so far so good. Then he cut into my scrotum using some Chinese method I got a pamphlet on, but didn't give a fuck enough to read about -- felt every bit of it, but it was not painful -- numb, but sensitive enough to know exactly what was happening down there without looking. He tears me open quite aggressively (still no pain, but discomfort was creeping in) and then the snip. . ...Ooooohhhhhh the snip. I could write a 2000 adjective only essay on the sensation that shot through my lower abdomen and there is not a woman on this planet that could read it and have even a slightest inkling of what I experienced in that very moment, but it only takes four words to let a brother know -- Kicked In The Balls. Not the initial contact pain like when the foot hits the ball or the balls slap the thigh or butthole, but the stomach ache fallout that follows. It's extreme nausea without the possibility of puking AND getting the wind knocked out of you without the breathing issue AND the cold sweats of a fever without the hot skin mixed with the sharp stinging sensation (and I'm assuming here) of being stabbed.

This was the point where I made the decision not to look up and see what was going on -- let me explain: It was during the birth of our first child that I discovered something about myself that had not previously occurred to me -- blood and gore does not phase me in person. I actually cringe sometimes when watching something particularly graphic in a movie or on TV, but when I peeked over the curtain while sitting beside my beautiful and insanely brave wife and (against the advice of the doctors and nurses in the room) peered directly into my wife's open abdomen -- did not feel faint or woozy or even the slightest bit phased witnessing the c-section birth of our daughter (I think that I am one in a very small group of men that can truthfully say that my wife is indeed beautiful both inside and out). And again for my son's circumcision (it's not mutilation if it can actually help him get laid when he is of sound mind and consenting age) where I watched wide-eyed and unflinching as they pinned back and peeled off the extra skin of my infant's penis without so much as nose crinkle. It surprised me -- I felt slightly faint in anticipation both times, but not even a knee buckle once the gore was in view. Now, after all that chest pounding I will humbly admit that I was in no condition and harbored no desire to attain so much as a glimpse of what this sadistic prick was doing to the closest friends of my taped dong.

EVER WONDER WHAT BURNT SCROTUM SMELLS LIKE?- I'm not totally sure exactly what was cauterized, but I smelled it. Didn't bug me -- it's the first thing every non-lethal sharpshooter out there told me about because it was so disturbing for them -- and because of that I was mentally prepared for it. It was weird though -- worth mentioning.

THERE ARE TWO- I am well aware that I'm no genius and this may just be common sense to most men out there -- maybe it's because I never gave it very much thought -- but it is a two part procedure and that did not initially occur to me. Two places to numb, two holes to cut, two tubes to snip and remove (which look like two small sections of spaghetti noodles -- which my doctor pointed out when he showed me commenting, "hope you weren't planning on pasta for dinner tonight" -- worth the co-pay alone) because most men have. . .everybody now. . .two balls. Duh. This was both surprising and disappointing to me as the first one is no picnic and after the full frontal sense assault I was in no mood to go through it again, but it was actually a lot easier. This time I was already entirely numb and I could identify each tug and snip as landmarks along the shameful journey and I knew exactly how many more pokes and puffs of flesh smoke were left until I could get out of there and get a burrito.

. . .AND THEN I PASSED OUT- Okay, procedure's over -- doc is gone -- nurse is gone -- and it quickly becomes (painfully) obvious that I did not shave above my penis as I rip the tape -- and my pubes -- off of my abdomen. That hurt, but detaching the tape from the loose skin of my now embarrassingly small and shriveled dick helped me to forget real quick. I was not in any pain, but I instinctively got dressed and walked out of the doctor's office (yes office -- no surgical room) like a 90 year-old with osteoporosis after a 2000 mile donkey ride. I think my ego/pride/mojo was more injured than my balls. I was texting my supportive mate to come pick me up, but looked up to see her popping up from a waiting room chair -- mojo back -- posture back -- let's go eat! We carefully walked to the car and headed to the pharmacy to pick up my new best friend for the next two days. Driving along I gave my better half a quick and g-rated rundown of the procedure and about 4 miles out the car began to close in on me. The corners got dark and I warned my bride that I was going to go under for a moment and then the entire conversation we just had played back in my head at a much higher volume and furious pace -- the screaming in my mind gave way to white noise and I came to slouched in my seat and looking over at an angelic, but severely concerned companion. If getting your balls fondled and shredded by another man doesn't fuck with your self-esteem, passing out like a little girl shortly thereafter kind of closes the deal. Feel free to make fun of me.

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Tuesday, August 13, 2019

I *Heart* Wrong Numbers

*In a saucy mood today*

Got a call from someone today telling me that they "took care of that thing for me".

My response: "Where did you hide the body?"

They hung up 😞

*crosses fingers for more like this.. I could use another laugh 😆

Monday, August 12, 2019

Demotivational Monday

An accurate description of how my Monday is going... also my new "De-Motivational" background to help me reach my goals 😂


Sunday, August 11, 2019

A Post Easter Find...

Found: This disturbing Easter chicken in dire need of a bikini wax.... 🙈
Apparently it was just chilling behind the coffee pot for the past 4 months 😳

I do not want to know what goes on in this house. 
#ilivewithquestionablepeople #dontjudgeme

Friday, August 9, 2019

Coming up for air

So I looked back at the last entry in my former blog, and it would be close to 2 years since I wrote in it, and exactly 8 years when I started it.

Not proud of that, but it was a text message from a "ghost of my past" and the mixed emotions that came from getting it, that encouraged me to revisit blogging once again.

I couldn't tell you why his message prompted me to compose a new blog, but it did.

Maybe because at one time he read my old one; to check in on me without having to directly reach out to me.
That used to bug the shit out of me to be honest... I feel if you want to know something about me, or how I am doing... Pick up the phone and ask me yourself.

Instead of acting like a total creeper, and stalk my blog.

But then again, I have made this (and that) blog "Public" so that argument is invalid. Sort of.

I needed a break, time away from writing about my life, and the things in it. 

 A lot of the time, I wanted someone else's life other than my own. Even when things were great... I always wanted to escape it.

Truthfully, those feelings never really went away. 

It's most people that I want to avoid, yet others, I would spend every waking second in their presence if I could. Those individuals are VERY FEW.

A tremendous amount has happened since the last time I blogged, one would assume so over the span of 2 years (or so). 
Nothing terribly noteworthy that I can think of at the moment... but I'm sure something will come bubbling up to the surface. And of course, I will blog about it.

The one thing I will say that has been a source of great pain is the loss of my favorite companion... my dog.

It's been a over 3+ years since she's been gone, and yet I grieve for her as if it was yesterday.

I'm convinced that she was the only thing I ever truly loved, and I'm actually OK with that.
She passed in my arms at the vet hospital on September 1, 2015.

*I identify with this song so much*

Occasionally she will come to me in a dream (I have had 8 of them in total) and I remember each one vividly.
I hope that those memories will never fade, even after I probably succumb to Dementia or Alzheimer's in my old age.

Please God, just don't take those memories away. You can have everything else, just not the
memories I so cherish of my favorite girl.

Most of the past couple of years were spent in the saddle showing horses, winning prizes, and finding out WHO my true friends were....

The last part was a real eye opening bitch.

Since then it has been spent just working like crazy, and taking road trips to the beach and other places to relax, decompress, and take photographs of things I find beautiful/fascinating/things I do not want to forget.

Tomorrow after work in the morning, my coworker and I are heading down to Monterey to go Whale Watching and to the Aquarium after.

I'm pretty stoked about it as I really don't "get out" to do much of anything anymore.
So much of my time is spent in the lab, and my boss is a quintessential "workaholic" who believes that everyone should be like him as well.

He's cool and all, but I am not happy with that mindset and existence.

Low key I am looking for something more realistic and manageable. Not working (what will be going on the 13th day in a row) and having 0 down time. Not to mention the 2-3 hours I spend in traffic both ways commuting on the daily.

Salaried Employees tend to have to "take it up the ass" with the hours put in at the office... and it feels I have a couple of "Whirling Dervish's" up there myself.
*Sorry for being so descriptive*

Not gonna lie... after getting all of this off my chest (and onto my blog), I feel a little bit better.

I liken it to "coming up for air".

And that is just what I did.